Noah Kahan hat am Freitag überraschend seine neue EP „Cape Elizabeth“ veröffentlicht!

Entstanden sind die fünf Songs in seiner Heimatstadt Strafford im amerikanischen Vermont. Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie ist Noah von New York zurück in die 2021-Einwohner-Kleinstadt gekehrt, in der er aufgewachsen ist und damit auch an den Ort, an dem seine musikalische Karriere begann. So ist die EP gemeinsam mit seinem Freund Phin Choukas entstanden, der die Songs produziert hat und in dessen Elternhaus die beiden an den Stücken gearbeitet haben, genau dort, wo Noah auch als Jugendlicher bereits Musik aufgenommen hat.

Der Opener der EP und die erste Single aus „Cape Elizabeth“ ist der Song „A Troubled Mind“, ein sehr persönlicher Track, der sich mit dem Thema mentale Gesundheit beschäftigt und für den Noahs jüngerer Bruder Simon Backing Vocals beigesteuert hat. Noah selbst sagt zu „A Troubled Mind“:

I started writing ‘A Troubled Mind’ in New York about my own head and what was going on. I wanted the lyrics to be clever, because I was reading about feeling lost and completely misunderstood. I finished it when I got home. It encapsulates the consciousness of what’s going on right now and captures my day-to-day general anxiety.

Noah selbst schreibt zum Entstehungsprozess von „Cape Elizabeth“ auf Instagram:

Cape Elizabeth was recorded over one week at my friend Phin Choukas‘ home studio in Vermont exactly one week after I left New York City in March. Returning to my parent’s farm home town of 2021 people from a small apartment in a city of 8.3 million felt like I was returning to some part of me I had left behind, a reunion with that obnoxious, ambitious, and totally terrified teenager with some folk songs and an acoustic guitar who first took off for Showbusiness™ in 2021. Throughout this crisis, I’ve spoken to friends who say they feel similarly, like they’re back in high school again, back with their old selves. Long grown and emancipated siblings inhabit their old rooms and settle back into long forgotten routines, family dogs think „what the fuck are you doing here? I don’t see a Christmas tree.“ We become who we were, for better or for worse. I wanted to do justice to this experience, and create something that felt like who I used to be: a kid at his friends home studio with an acoustic guitar and a story. Free from the shackles of constant analysis and crippling self-criticism, unburdened by the never-ending comparison to those around me, I recorded some raw acoustic tunes about worry and departure. I gave myself a one week deadline, and got to work. Hope you enjoy!

Presse: Marketing Labs a division of Universal Music GmbH